Moscow International Film Festival (MIFF) is held since 1959 and year by year it has been becoming one of most respectable and prestigious film-forums in the world in 1973 MIFF was registered by international Federation of Film-producers associations (FIAPF) as the «A» class alongside with film festival in Berlin, Cannes, San0Sebastian,Karlovy Vary and Venice.
MEDIA FORUM ( July 21 — 27)
Organizers: «Interfest», Culture and Media Centre «Media Art Lab», Russian Internet Academy
This is the first year when Festival is organized by Media Forum, and, as the result of the acceptance of the role of new media in audiovisual art and culture, it was immediately introduced in the official program of MIFF and offers special accreditation to the guests, participants and journalists who are over 300.
This forum is the first event of such a scale in Russia, and it reveals a new sight at the world of new media-culture and new screen technologies to the professionals, viewers and critics.
The Forum includes a unique opportunity to see the works of famous film directors and artists, that has become that classic of contemporary culture. The task of Media Forum is to show the connection between traditional and modern branches of screen culture, between the cinema avanguard and its new form (due to the influence of technological innovations).
This year Media Forum includes the following parts:
1. The first Russian competition «Cinema on Internet» for the reward of Russian Internet Academy. Among the net Jury members are represantatives of Russia, USA, Estonia (Roman Leibov, Eugeny Gorny, Alex Isaev, Anatoly Prokhorov, Igor Maslennikov). Thare are about 40 russian language cinema sites presented at the Competition. They are devided into two categories: the informational cinema-sites and Internet art-projects.
2. «Attraction Montage» — representation of interactive screen art, connecting the cinema avavntguard concepts with the trends of development of new media. The works from England, France, Finland, Australia, Estonia, Canada are shown.
3. Retrospective presentation of world video-art masterpieces, from the largest museums and archives of the world.
4. New in Cinema art and experimental video art, including video program from Kannes festival, program of Estonian, Ukranian and Russian video-art.
5. Media Forum Colloquiums, which aim to discuss the complex of creative, social and technological aspects of new media.
The sites of Media Forum:
Central Manege (retrospection of video-art and, CD-art, interactive art, web-art, collloquiums, press-conferences, the rewarding ceremony of the winners of «Cinema Internet» competition)
Alex Isaev — curator of program
Olga Shishko — co-curator
Olga Rumjanzeva — PR manager
Tatiana Gorucheva — coordinator